The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I feel sorry for the diamonds.

When I see people who decorate their teeth like they have a glorified Be-Dazzler, all I can think is, "that poor diamond".

Really, these are probably the most gorgeous objects we've discovered on this planet. They are forged in the earth for thousands of years under constant pressure and the watchful eye of Mother Nature. Like pearls, they take time. Then the diamonds are mined, cleaned, cut, polished... and then they end up in some gansta's mouth.

I just imagine a conversation in diamond heaven:

Diamond 1: "How did you spend your life?"
Diamond 2: "I was given to a beautiful lady by the love of her life. Then I was passed on to their granddaughter and her granddaughter. How did you spend your life?"
Diamond 1: "In Paul Wall's mouth, masticating fried chicken."


At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like people. Some are shining brilliant, bringing light and wonder to those around them. Some, with the exact same potential as the dazzlers, allow themselves to waste away and dull performing menial tasks, accepting as truth the limits others would put upon us.

We have the choice. Remember to shine.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger SpangledAngel said...


At 6:48 AM, Blogger Jaded Lens said...

Let's not forget the death and destruction required by the DeBeers cartel in order to bring these diamonds to the market. Buy snow diamonds, people.

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Mark said...

"Really, these are probably the most gorgeous objects we've discovered on this planet"

I disagree. Have you forgotten about David Hasselhoff??


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