The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My thoughts this morning...a random smattering.

1. I've been getting a lot of nose bleeds lately and I don't know why. I'm starting to wonder if I have a sleep-walking problem, during which I also have a cocaine habit, both unbeknownst to myself.

2. The new Beyonce video makes me uncomfortable because her dancing is so jerky it looks like she's having a seizure. The song is called "Check Up On It" and it literally makes me want Beyonce to get a check up.

3. I googled my email address out of boredom yesterday and found a link to a travel writing message board that I posted on back about 2 years ago. I was asking for advice as far as fund-raising/getting published. I remember the first couple of responses I got from professionals were harsh, ridiculing and downright mean, so I never went back to that website, not even to check for more feedback. Well, as of yesterday there were 23 responses, and most of them were so delightful and supportive! I guess next time I should just wait for the assholes to weed themselves out and not give up so easy.

4. Why does my dog do bad things, then not do bad things for, like, five months, and then he goes on a bad-thing streak and commits three bad-thing crimes in one week?

5. Where in God's name would I be without the love and support of my friends and family? Probably curled into a ball and dehydrated from crying in a cave somewhere.....

6. I have had so much energy and been so happy the past few days, despite the smash-and-grab, the insurance not covering ANYTHING, having to postpone the trip, Greg being sick, and not really sleeping. Does that mean I'm officially growing up? (Or is it my nocturnal coke habit?...)

7. I really hope I'm able to visit Ohio at the end of March, if only for the weekend. I talked to Phil from Sandusky last night and it sounds like everything changed after I left. People got fired or moved away, or had kids, or broke up... it kind of makes me think... that month I lived in Ohio was a moment that will never be the same again. The people I worked with will never be a group again, not in the same sense. And each little tableau, each little cross-section of life is a moment that will change the minute you blink. So cherish it while you've got it, before it's gone.

8. Matt Dillon is one goofy-looking dude.

9. If my boss moves my desk one more time, I'm going to burn down the building.


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Jaded Lens said...

Are the mean people trying to take your red stapler?

At 6:54 AM, Blogger SpangledAngel said...

Stapler-Schmapler! I just want to stay at my desk, dammit!

Seriously...ugh. But my supervisor feels really bad (it wasn't her decision) and she gave me a "Keep Your Chin Up" card. So I got that going for me.


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