The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back...

When I was on the road over the summer, I asked myself time and again why I kept leaving pieces of myself all over the country. In almost every town, every home I was in, I took a part of it with me, but I also left a part of myself behind. After awhile it felt hollow, like if I left one more shard in the glow of a tail light I would have nothing left to hold me together.

But, driving west on the Ohio Turnpike this morning to visit some of my "road friends", I realized that those tiny pieces weren't shreds I just left behind to decay. They were my breadcrumbs, marking a trail across 26 states that I can follow and always find a friend.


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your breadcrumbs will always be there for you Road Rat. Take care and have safe travels. It was great to see you again.

Your Cleveland Marshal


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