The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I Hate Double-Standards Twice As Much.

My friend Eric is a fellow travel writer and he has no problem writing about sexual encounters he's had on the road. He writes about them like they are delicious sweets to be savored and enjoyed. And to be quite honest, I wish I could do that.

I wish it weren't such a double standard. For Eric to comment on his sexual forays in Europe within his book is no big deal, and he takes on the persona of a stud, an American gigolo. But if I were to ever discuss any sort of sexual dealing beyond a kiss, suddenly I'd go from Young Girl Discovers America to Dirty Whore Opens Her Legs All Over The Country. Sometimes I wish I had Eric's courage, but really it would take more than that. It would take a complete overhaul of societal norms to make it "okay" for me to write about anything like that.

I don't like it. It's not like my book is going to be all about sex, but I hate having to self-censor because my dad or my grandmother will read it, or because I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me. I'm not a whore. I'm not a slut. I am a 25-year-old woman who was, at the time, traveling alone and single and experiencing life. And now I am the same age, committed and in love. And if writing about it makes me a whore, then you are close-minded and I'd thank you to not read any more of my writing.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like you said " I'm not a slut. I am a 25-year-old woman who was, at the time, traveling alone and single and experiencing life. And now I am the same age, committed and in love. " ..i dought u went in to each place sayeing HECK YES GETTING LAIED TONIGHT BOYSS!! PARTYS ON!! lol...if taht was the case iwould get what you are saying ..but as u said it wasn't...its natural and having a couple of thos incounters along ur jorny is totaly understandbal..if you did write about them , the people who think less of you for it have a problem with who they are...and are probly jellous they cant get any..all the more pwoer to you..but i get it cause in to days sosity men can sleep around alot and its acceptal but for women 1 guy and u are a slut..i dont get it and dont like it...but yours a strong person to stand up for that...keep writing!! :D!!

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Mark said...

If I saw a book titled "Young Girl Discovers America to Dirty Whore Opens Her Legs All Over The Country", I'd read it.

You know I'll read your book too... but I'm just sayin, that's all.

*looks down at his feet*

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Umm... I should really learn how to use the cut and paste function a little better.... I wish there was a way to edit comments.

You know what I meant though.

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes take them down by the knees *bodyslam* if they called you a whore you have the right to show off your wreslin moves. haha but go aginst the garin and do what you think is right not what others think is. xoxo


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