The Road Revisited

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Are There Club Sandwichs In Heaven?

I was incredibly sad to hear about Mitch Hedberg dying yesterday. And I refuse to call him "Comedian Mitch Hedberg" - enough people know who he is that I shouldn't have to preface it. If you don't know, check out and be sad that you only learned about him after his death. He was only 37.

His death upsets me more than Terri Schiavo and the pope combined. While we may never know what truly went on in her head, Terri Schiavo was incapacitated. And the pope, well, the pope was really old and really sick. But Mitch? That's just unfair. He was young and talented.

People say things happen in threes. Maybe Mitch was the one out of the trio that was meant to remind us that death does rob the living sometimes, that it's not always timely and for a good reason. And that it's possible to miss someone you never met.

so rest in peace, honey.... "I hate dreaming. Because you know, when you want to sleep, you want to sleep. Dreaming is work, you know. Like there I am laying in my comfortable bed in my hotel room, it's beautiful... Next thing you know I have to build a go-kart with my ex-landlord." Mitch Hedberg


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Mark said...

I too was very sad to hear about his death. I really enjoyed his style.

"I was at a bar once, and no one was talking to me 'cuz I just did a show, and I ran into a guy, and instead of saying "excuse me" he said "get the hell out of my way,", so I said "Go to hell", and I ran away. He caught up to me, he had on a hat, a nose ring, an eybrow ring, a goatee, a tongue ring, and 3-earings. He said "Hey man, you have a lot of nerve," and then I said "Hey man, you have a lot of cranium accessories." (crowd laughs) You guys are smart, when I do the dumber crowds, I have to say "Hey man, you've got a lot of shit on your head!"


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