The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm down with G-O-D provided you keep your hands out of my wallet.

Some things I noticed about the Mennonites and Amish - when they have big gatherings and stuff like that, they don’t really ask for money. Usually, when you see televangelists and stuff like that, they all seem to convince these lonely, elderly people to send them their life savings in exchange for Jesus’ good graces. I can’t even describe how much that burns me up. But at least, at the revival I went to, it was pretty laid back in terms of the money thing. The food sales and auction they had went to fund the ministry and orphanage that the group runs in Ghana, as well as the group that ministers in prisons (if the inmate chooses to accept, but they aren’t obligated). And I thought that was really cool.

Now, like I said before, the head chaplain did get up and start evangelizing and shouting about the Lord Jesus and praising about being saved, which was a little weird for me personally, but he wasn’t asking for my money or telling me I was obligated to join in. And everyone else seemed to really be enjoying themselves. You could tell that the shouting and the praising made them really happy, not frightened of God like some evangelists make their followers, and that was nice to see. I guess that’s why I said I’m making my peace with some religions - they obviously work for some people. And the Mennonites and Amish are such kind, gentle, good people, good-hearted and sweet, they above all deserve to be happy with their chosen God.


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