The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sorry II, or Would Somebody Please Have The Balls To Confront Me?

Have you ever had one of those days where everyone is mad at you, but none of them are mature enough to tell you why, and if they get around to telling you why it ends up being a really stupid reason? I hate those days.

Right now my friend Billy has been ignoring me for about 5 days, and I finally got him to pick up his phone this morning (by calling from a different number) and he finally told me what I did to make him so upset - I didn't call him back when I got out of the shower last Tuesday. A week ago. In fact, I did try to call him but his line was busy, so I figured I would wait until the next day. And that was enough to make him hate me all this past week. WTF?

Then there's my ex-boyfriend, who's been sending me text messages all weekend that read like this:
1. "you make me puke"
2. "i thought i knew you but you learn something new everyday"
3. "i fucking hate you"

I have no idea how we got from being pretty good friends to this. But when I called him and offered to take him out to breakfast so we could discuss what it was that I must have done that upset him so much, all I got was a text message that said: "don't think that would make much sence". Well, jackass, you're not making much "sence" either. I think you're just upset that you ruined a perfectly good relationship with a real live kollege-edjamacated girl by being a deadbeat idiot. Next time, try actually paying your bills instead of spending all your money on fancy (read: ugly) tattoos and then your truck might not get repo'd. Just a thought.

I also had the pleasure of running into another ex over the weekend, and while I tried to be nice he just stared at me and then said, "Whatever. I'll see ya", and walked away. I don't know what I did to make him stop seeing me but I wish he would tell me why. But it's okay, I have a secret of my own: Hey, Mike, I never told you this but remember that time you were "helping" me take care of the triplets by passing out on the couch and snoring? Yeah, well, James peed on your leather shoe while I was changing his diaper and I forgot to tell you until now. I don't know, it just slipped my mind.

Then my mom came at me with some cockamamie bullshit I don't even understand yesterday but I know that I've given up ever trying to please her. It's impossible. I ask her to help me with one bill and my bank account is too small, I say "fuck" one time while recounting a story and my mouth is too dirty, I copy one line of an email she wrote me into a journal and suddenly I'm "immature and untrustworthy". She's convinced I'm responsible for the disappearance of a laundry load of bath towels - that's great, accuse me of hording them in my room instead of looking for them. Like I don't have anything better to do than play Hide The Towels. I mean, seriously! I'm just done. I'm done trying to salvage anything.

What's really interesting here is that all of these people are upset about stuff that's really not worth going apeshit over, assuming they tell me what it is they're mad at. And if they don't, I can only assume that it's an equally stupid reason concocted in the mind of someone not mature enough to know how to handle conflict. Not to mention the fact that there's so much anger in the world, why add to it by being petty? What good does it do in the long run? And seriously, don't come at me with a bunch of negativity and bullshit if you're not prepared to try and work it out like adults. That just doesn't make "sence".


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Mark said...

"I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that."

"I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.

All you can do is be someone who can be loved.

The rest is up to them."

~Author Unknown


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