The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Have you ever gotten into a conversation with a friend about something random, which ultimately turns to the subject of dreams, and while you're relaying some story about a dream you had, your friend mentions offhandedly that you killed him in his dream the night before? And then you feel really weird, like you should back away and apologize all at the same time - for something you didn't even do.

It's really a quandry when you think about it! My friend told me this morning that I SHOT HIM IN THE HEART in his dream! Now, it's one thing to give someone a mean look in a dream, or even kick them, but SHOOT THEM IN THE CHEST AND KILL THEM?!?! Jeez! That is so not like me! I try so hard to be a nice person.

So then I apologized to my friend for killing him... and he told me I was being ridiculous.... which I knew I was..... but I felt like I had to say something, you know? I mean, what do you say when that comes up? "Yeah, I had a dream you shot me dead last night." "Really? How's my aim?" Or, "You shot me dead in my dream last night." "Wow. Did you bleed a lot?" No! I felt really bad! If even for giving him a reason to ever dream about me in that capacity.... so I apologized, which was utterly pointless. But man, that is weird to hear!


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