The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Opposite of Illiteracy

So my little Guatemalan chiquita I take care of, Diana, is learning both English and Spanish, which means I'm learning Spanish but not very well. I never took a class. It's pretty sad. Our favorite thing to do is read books together, mostly in Spanish, and the funny thing is I can read them off like poetry. I just rattle off these words, pronoucing them correctly from years of listening really hard to all the kitchen guys I worked with. The only problem is I have no idea what any of them mean.

I'm like the opposite of an illiterate person. I can read it but don't ask me what I just read. What would that be considered - sololiterate? So here I am, reading "Buenas Nochas, Luna" (Good Night, Moon), and the words are tumbling out of my mouth and I have to keep stopping and asking Diana to point at "los mitones" and "los ositos" and "el raton" for me. What a dork! Like, it just freaks me out that you could hand me a piece of paper with Spanish words on it, and I'll read it out and I could have read, "I am a lacksidasical yak who wears dresses made of mustard bottle labels and eats poop" and not known it. Crazy!


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