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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

If This Doesn't Make Your Blood Boil, You Might Not Have a Soul.

White House Got Early Warning on Katrina

My favorite are these facts:

"A 41-page assessment by the Department of Homeland Security's National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), was delivered by e-mail to the White House's "situation room," the nerve center where crises are handled, at 1:47 a.m. on Aug. 29, the day the storm hit... that a storm of Katrina's size would 'likely lead to severe flooding and/or levee breaching' and specifically noted the potential for levee failures along Lake Pontchartrain."

"In a second document,, a computer slide presentation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, prepared for a 9 a.m. meeting on Aug. 27, two days before Katrina made landfall, compared Katrina's likely impact to that of "Hurricane Pam," a fictional Category 3 storm used in a series of FEMA disaster-preparedness exercises simulating the effects of a major hurricane striking New Orleans. But Katrina, the report warned, could be worse."

"The documents shed new light on the extent on the administration's foreknowledge about Katrina's potential for unleashing epic destruction on New Orleans and other Gulf Coast cities and towns. "

And my personal favorite: "President Bush, in a televised interview three days after Katrina hit, suggested that the scale of the flooding in New Orleans was unexpected. "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did anticipate a serious storm."


To echo a protest sign from last year's inauguration, a 50.8% majority vote is not a mandate....


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