The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Tattoo U

So I got my new tattoo last night but I forewent the elephant in lieu of the ladybug I've always wanted. It's so cute, Melissa did a great job, but I don't like it on my inner arm like my friend said I should. I thought it would look cute there but it just looks like a weird mole. I might get it removed.

But all this talk about tattoos is pretty interesting, especially about what they'll turn into once my friends and I get pregnant or just old. My friend Jessi has two tattoos on her stomach, a butterfly and then a flowered vine around her navel. She's convinced she will never have children. I say yeah right, wait til that clock starts ticking and you get knocked up and then that butterfly turns into Mothra. Then I'll ask if I can have that nice big wreath around her belly to hang on my door at Christmas. She's also got a crescent moon on her right breast, which I joke will be a half moon someday... God, I'm evil sometimes!

But it goes both ways. I want to get a pretty phoenix rising from an ash pile on my upper left outside thigh but I'm afraid of it stretching and becoming a griffin bumbling out of a garbage bag. Same reason I didn't get the ladybug on my torso like I first thought of (which I know wish I had). I just can't wait to be an old lady with cankles (undistinguishable calf vs. ankle regions) and my hummingbird turns into a toucan. That's gonna be so hot.

I have Jessica Simpson's cell phone number. I just had to say it again, HAHA!


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Mark said...

So what's the total tattoo count now?
Last time I saw you, it was just the two.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger SpangledAngel said...

4. Two on the back, one on the ankle, one on the arm :-)


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