The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Friday, January 06, 2006

My grandma and my aunt Tracy at Red Hot and Blue. Don't let my grandma's sweet look fool you, she could kick your ass. She rides motorcycles, I'm not kidding. And she's almost 80 but she delivers Meals on Wheels to elderly people who are younger than her. Seriously, she is the balls.Posted by Picasa


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Number one, why does your grandma look so much like my grandma.

Number two, why does your grandma act so much like my grandma. (Mine doesn't ride motorcycles, but she does cuss out conservatives and she went parasailing in Mexico. Even I might not be able to do that shit.)

Number three, I just watched "Cold Mountain" tonight (one of my favorite books) and I'm talking like Ruby because I like to do things like that to amuse myself.

Number four, there is not a language in the world that could pronounce "vcfknkp" with ease.

A'ight then.


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