The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Random Funny Things That I Forgot To Mention In Previous Posts

Jean, the Mennonite lady I stayed with the first night, asked me if my Napoleon Dynamite air freshener in my car was a picture of my boyfriend.

When I was on my way into Baltimore for the second time, on Sunday, I was driving behind this car with a great bumper sticker that said, "Defend America, Defeat Bush". I thought, "wow, that person is really cool! I should ride up beside them and wave!" So I did and it was my friend and co-worker from Vocus, Jim! How weird!

When I woke up and broke camp in Lackawanna, I noticed that there was a patch of dry leaves where my sleeping bag had been, which meant that my body heat went towards drying the leaves instead of keeping me warm.

When Mikey, Bubbi, and I were hanging out at the Main Street, Mikey kept asking me all these hilarious questions, like "Hey, you’re not from around here! Have you ever heard this song?" and it was Billy Joel’s "We Didn’t Start The Fire". Bubbi did the same thing the next day on the way to breakfast when he asked me "Have you ever heard country music?" I was thinking to myself, "No, the entire state of Maryland and the District of Columbia are both located in caves and underneath many rocks, so no, no I have never heard of any of this "country music" you speak of." It was frickin’ hilarious!


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