The Road Revisited

Follow Me Around The United States!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I thought you were supposed to be the good guys?

I was amazingly disappointed today in a number of Democratic senators who voted to end a filibuster on the infamous Bankruptcy Bill, sending it to the floor were it is sure to pass. I mean, come on, everybody knows the Republicans are going to vote for it, but aren't the Democrats supposed to be the champions of the little guys - the exact people this bill is going to screw over?

If this bill passes into law, people who are currently in debt or who will become indebted due to medical emergencies, unproven identity theft, or other catastrophic circumstances will not be permitted to file bankruptcy and have their slate wiped clean. No more "fresh starts".

People who fall into this category include my friend MaryBeth, who almost lost her foot in a car accident two years ago - she was hit by a driver insured under Maryland's MAIF policy, which only insures bodily damage up to $20,000. MaryBeth's first 24 hours in the hospital alone cost $27,500. Since then, she has accrued another $400,000 in medical expenses and doesn't have the disposable income to sue the other driver, who would have nothing to give if convicted anyway. Once this bill becomes a law, there is no way MaryBeth will ever be able to recover from this debt. She's had to learn to walk again, which is good because she'll be working multiple jobs for the rest of her life.

This also applies to Julio and Rosy, and the triplets, whose medical bills have just passed the half-million dollar mark. I wish them good luck trying to raise four children on a landscaper's income and simultaneously getting the insurance company to pay even 75% of that half-mil. Special wishes go to Christopher, James, Michael, and Diana, who will continue paying that amount off long after their parents are gone.

So thank you, Robert Byrd. Thank you, Debbie Stabenow (who, by the by, currently has all of her offices on lock-down, anticipating the backlash that is sure to come from her vote). Thank you, Sens. Biden and Carper of Delaware. I'm sure the credit card companies - the only ones set to profit from this bill - thank you as well (especially considering the majority of credit card companies in America are based in DE, because there are no taxes in the first place). Thank you Sen. Lieberman - now your faith isn't the only thing holding you back from becoming president. And thank you, Sen. Salazar, for making sure the little hope we had when you and your brother were elected in November is now resting solely on his shoulders. I feel sorry for Barack Obama having to contend with the stench of pure bullshit eminating from your neighboring office in that basement in Dirksen. And let's not forget the eight other traitors: Conrad, Johnson, Kohl, Landrieu, Lincoln, Pryor, and both Nelsons.

This is just another nail in the fence that is me booking a one-way ticket to Anywhere But America and living there forever. Sorry, Howard Dean, John Kerry, and, but how are grassroots efforts supposed to work when our own are voting against us?


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